DIY Help
We are happy to help you with your DIY project in anyway we can by supplying you with the necessary equipment as well as installing Windows, Roof Air conditioners, Power Systems, Plumbing and just about any other thing that you might feel uncomfortable doing yourself.

Rough in Package with Windows Installed
Lithium Ion Power System $9050.00
Our Power System is the heartbeat of all of our Coaches!
It powers your Coach off grid, as well as, on grid and it can even run your Rooftop Air-conditioner!
This system includes:
30 AMP Shore Power w/twist loc power cord
(1) Lithium Ion 300 amp battery
Front & Rear Battery Isolator System for engine charging
Breaker Box for 110v & 12v Power
3000 Watt Pure Sine Inverter System,
including Remote Switch, Automatic Switching System and a
125 amp Charging System
(2) 110v power outlets
Custom Box to house battery & electronics
Hardware, Wiring & Installation Included*
Additional 300 amp Lithium Ion Batteries are $2650.00 each installed*
All Prices are for empty Cargo vans not exceeding 15 feet in length; call us for pricing on custom installations or Specialty Vehicles.